My experiences as a secretary of Asset | IB&M

My experiences as a secretary of Asset | IB&M

For the past 9 months, I have been the secretary of the board of Asset | International Business & Management. During this time, I’ve learned a lot and had some great experiences, which I would love to tell you about in this Blog article.

I will tell you a little bit more about myself first. My name is Manon Rietjens, I am 21 years old and last June, I finished my bachelor International Business Administration. During the first year of my studies, I already became an active member at Asset | IB&M, by joining the European Travel Committee, which organized a study trip to Lisbon and Porto. After this, I joined the Recruitment Event Committee, which was already a bit more formal. In the first semester of my third year, I went on exchange to Buenos Aires, which was an amazing experience! After I came back, I decided I wanted to do an even more formal committee, and therefore joined the Consultancy Days Committee.

Then at some point it was starting to get time to graduate, but I didn’t know yet which Master program I wanted to follow. Besides, I knew that a board year would have great added value for my Curriculum Vitae. That is why I applied for a board year at Asset | IB&M, and luckily I was selected to be the secretary of the board!

My tasks during my board year
For the past 9 months, I have been busy with several function specific tasks, but also various other tasks. Even though it is difficult to explain precisely, I will try to elaborate on both parts.

My function specific tasks include for example writing the minutes of our board meetings, Advisory Council meetings, Chairman meetings and Active Member meetings. The reason I mention it, is because I feel like people think that it’s the only specific task that the secretary function entails. This is, however, not the case! Besides the minutes, I am responsible for the website of Asset | IB&M, which means I update it regularly with the events and activities we organize. But also new promotion material from our partners, like business courses or vacancies, are updated by me. Furthermore, I represent IB&M in the Secretary’s Meeting of Asset General, where we talk about the member’s database and we send out the Asset Monthly Mail. Other function specific tasks are that I am responsible for the guidelines, in charge of office supplies and in- and outgoing (e)mail, unsubscribing members and updating the infomercials on the TV screen.

The various other tasks are just things that come up in board meetings or throughout the year, that have to be taken care of. For the first part of my board year, I was still in the Consultancy Days committee, where I helped with the organization and promotion of the event. Also for other Asset General events, like the Asset In-house Days or the EBT, we help with promoting. Obviously, I also coordinate several committees, ranging from informal to formal committees, which gives a nice balance. My week consists of meetings with all these committee as well. Also small tasks that only I can arrange for the committees are part of my board year.

My experiences
What I think is the most important thing I have learned so far, is that you really learn how to work together in one team explicitly, but also how to coordinate different committees in different ways. It really depends on the people and on the kind of activities that have to be organized, on how you coordinate and motivate people regarding their committee work. And within the board, you have to discuss so many different things regarding different topics, you really learn how to formulate your own opinion and learn to take in other opinions. Furthermore, I feel like the personal development during my board year will have a great impact on my future career. You really get to know yourself during trainings, tip top sessions with your board, and you find out at which companies/work positions you would like to work since you are attending all the (career related) events that are organized by Asset | IB&M. This really helps you to orientate on your future Master and job.


I really feel like my board year has added something to my personal development, professional and social network, and of course my CV. If you found it interesting to read about my function and my experiences and want to know more about it, you can always contact me via, or drop by room E1.14 to have a personal talk!


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