Must to Do: Business Documentaries to Watch

Must to Do: Business Documentaries to Watch

While having free time we tend to focus on our hobbies and spend our time watching unmeaningful movies and series that barely contribute something to our academic or career development. However, lucky for us, recently a lot of film production companies have created various documentaries that are business-related which not only deal with business topics but also tell a story…making them extremely interesting and enjoyable to watch.

Apart from our all-time favorite econ and business documentaries such as E-dream,, and Freakeconomics; here are some business-related documentaries to watch while having free time: American Factory, Decoding Bill Gates, Saving Capitalism.

  • American Factory plot goes around Fuyao, a glass Chinese company owned by businessman Junming Wang, that was reestablished in an abandoned General Motors factory, and its journey of overcoming bankruptcy. American Factory shows all the business and personal conflicts of the employees as well as the cultural problems while reforming the company’s business model with the help of the dreams and hope of the employees for better life quality.
  • Inside Bill Gates’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates shows the human side of the genius and creator behind Microsoft. The documentary shares Mr. Gate’s most relevant personal anecdotes and memories as well as the development of some of his many projects including the creation of a sanitary toilet for third world countries, eradication of polio, the use of nuclear energy to produce clean electricity and creation of the multi-billionaire and world-known company: Microsoft.
  • Saving Capitalism deals more with macroeconomic and political topics. The documentary was released in 2017 and it shows how the government’s programs to accelerate the economy only are beneficial only to a small percentage of the United States’ population. It critiques and analyses the development of EE. UU’s politics and the influence it has on consumption, production and society’s consumption and life quality.

Finally, if you are interested in a more dramatic yet realistic approach, The Founder, a movie that apart from being based on the true story of the fast-food company Mc. Donald’s also includes a performance from Academy Awards Oscar Nominees actors. If you are more into dark and somber series, Dirty Money is for sure a must to watch. Dirty Money episodes uncover corporate corruption and accounting fraud, the first and second season are available on Netflix so it will for sure keep you entertained for a while. 

By watching these, not only you are learning or reinforcing the business and economic topics, but you also get to see the personal/human side of business and economics and the different circumstances that affect not only all the owners and creators behind multi billionaire companies but also the millions of their employees. As well, it may make you feel more productive and less guilty to spend the whole day lying in your coach.

“So grab some popcorn and enjoy!”

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